Friday, December 28, 2012

35 Weeks

How far along? 35 weeks
Total Weight Gain? Don’t know how accurate the scale I used is in terms of actual weight…I did lose 4.5lbs with this yucky flu bug thing.
Maternity Clothes? Yup! 
Stretch Marks?  They are still there from Serevina
Sleep? Annoying….it is hard to get comfortable and I have to get up a lot at night to go to the bathroom
Best moment this week? Gigi, Papi, Aunite Amber, and Uncle Gary joining us in Cabo!
 Food Cravings? Nothing in particular
Anything making you sick?  The diapers can still be a little tough…but not as bad as at the beginning.
Gender? Boy!
Movement? Kicks!              
Labor Signs? Nada!
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody?  Happy! 
Looking forward to? Getting home, it has been a long time!

Dear baby,
            This trip has gone by so fast, I can’t wait to bring you back in two years!  You continue to move up a storm, I am really going to miss feeling you kick!  Keep baking in there…

Friday, December 21, 2012

34 weeks

How far along? 34 weeks
Total Weight Gain? We are now officially on vacation so I won’t know till we get home.
Maternity Clothes? Yup! 
Stretch Marks?  They are still there from Serevina
Sleep? Annoying….it is hard to get comfortable and I have to get up a lot at night to go to the bathroom
Best moment this week? Arriving in Cabo, showing Serevina whales breaching as we swim in the pool.
 Food Cravings? Nothing in particular
Anything making you sick?  Serevina’s dirty diapers (only occasionally now) and cigarette smoke
Gender? Boy!
Movement? Kicks!              
Labor Signs? Nada!
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody?  Happy! 
Looking forward to? Getting to Cabo!
Dear baby,
            Can’t wait to have you here in two years.  Serevina is swimming up a storm and we can’t wait to see if you are a swimmer like her!

Friday, December 14, 2012

33 weeks

How far along? 33 weeks
Total Weight Gain? We are now officially on vacation so I won’t know till we get home.
Maternity Clothes? Yup! 
Stretch Marks?  They are still there from Serevina
Sleep? Annoying….it is hard to get comfortable and I have to get up a lot at night to go to the bathroom
Best moment this week? Finishing all the sewing projects for Christmas presents
 Food Cravings? Nothing in particular
Anything making you sick?  Serevina’s dirty diapers (only occasionally now) and cigarette smoke
Gender? Boy!
Movement? Kicks!              
Labor Signs? Nada!
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody?  Happy! 
Looking forward to? Getting to Cabo!
Dear baby,
            We are hoping you cooperate through the long drive and our trip to Cabo!  I can’t believe that in two years when we go back again you will be older than Serevina is for this trip. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

32 Weeks

How far along? 32 weeks
Total Weight Gain? 14 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Yup! 
Stretch Marks?  They are still there from Serevina
Sleep? Annoying….it is hard to get comfortable and I have to get up a lot at night to go to the bathroom
Best moment this week? Attempting to holiday bake with Emily, Shannon, Jamie, and Kristin and the power going out!   Thankfully the stove still worked!
 Food Cravings? Fresh salad, salt bagels, ice cream
Anything making you sick?  Serevina’s dirty diapers (only occasionally now) and cigarette smoke
Gender? Boy!
Movement? Kicks!              
Labor Signs? Nada!
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody?  Happy! 
Looking forward to? Heading to Santa Barbara on Monday to see Gigi and Papi and the great grandparents!  And then off to Cabo!
Dear baby,
            We had another ultrasound on Thursday and it was great to see you moving around.  You are already up to 4lbs 6oz!  Everything looked good and we are all set to head to Cabo! 